Thursday, January 28th | 7 PM
Performing Arts Centre | Webber Academy
1515-93 Street SW

  • What are some best practices being used to achieve results in mathematics?
  • What specific ideas can parents use to support their child’s learning at home?
  • How are the needs of different populations being met? For instance, what strategies have proved more successful for students with English as a second language?
  • International Rankings – how does Alberta fit?
  • What types of assessments are best? How are Student Learning Assessments (SLAs) used?
  • What is happening with curriculum design and changes?
  • With all of the discussion taking place about diversifying our economy, how important are math achievement and rankings?

Tickets $7 | CAPSC is a non-profit, volunteer fuelled organization which exists to encourage discussion about and excellence in education. If the charge for this event is a barrier to attending, please select the deferred payment option as you register and pay what you can at the door.

Great math education is a major topic of interest for Calgary parents. There is much discussion in the media, on the playground, and in homes about what is happening in math, and how to ensure every child is set up for success.

Parents are curious about how schools are achieving strong results in math. CAPSC is pleased to present our Math Excellence Night on behalf of Calgary parents.  Through this event, education stakeholders can get a glimpse of some best practices, and hopefully continue the dialogue in their own community afterward.

To hear CAPSC president Lisa Davis discuss details of the Math Excellence event, please access the January 24 Global news clip.


STUART WACHOWICZ | Confucius Institute, Edmonton 

Stuart Wachowicz, B.Ed, B.Sc, M.Ed, is an educator with 44 years of experience.  He taught for 25 years in Alberta, where he primarily taught mathematics and served as a school administrator. In 1997 he became Director of Curriculum for Edmonton Public Schools. He is one of the key architects of the education system that shot Alberta to the top of the world education rankings in the early 2000s. Upon retirement in 2009, Mr. Wachowicz became Director of the Confucius Institute in Edmonton, of which he is presently Chairman of the Board of Directors and Advisory Board.  Mr. Wachowicz will be including a discussion on how strong math results were achieved in schools with a high English as a Second Language population.

ANNA STOKKE | University of Winnipeg

Anna Stokke is Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Winnipeg. She received a Ph.D in mathematics from the University of Alberta in 2003, an M.Sc (Math) from the University of Manitoba and a B.Sc (Math) from Brandon University. She is the President of Archimedes Math Schools, which is a non-profit organization that was founded by math professors in Winnipeg who recognize the need for a low cost after-school math program for elementary school children. Anna is a math education advocate and a cofounder of the Western Initiative for Strengthening Education in Math (WISE Math). She received a 2015-2016 YWCA/YMCA Women of Distinction Award in the Community Activism and Social Enterprise category for her work in math education. She also received the University of Winnipeg’s Clarence Atchison Award for Excellence in Community Service in October, 2015.

NEIL WEBBER & JAY NIVEN | Webber Academy, Calgary

Neil Webber, President/Head of School at Webber Academy, has a PhD in Mathematics Curriculum.  Jay Niven, Senior High School Mathematics Instructor, holds a B.Ed and Masters degree in Mathematics teaching.  Webber Academy is a non-denominational, co-educational, university preparatory private school offering Junior Kindergarten to Grade 12. There is an environment of high expectations for student achievement and behaviour. After 18 years of operation, Webber Academy has become an international school with students from many different backgrounds, cultures and religions.

AARON RENERT | The Renert School, Calgary

Aaron Renert, M.Sc, LL.B, is a mathematics educator and the founder of Renert Education, a Calgary-based company that has been offering academic services to over 80,000 students since 1992. The company is known for its unwavering commitment to excellence in teaching. In its 26-year history, Renert has been an educational innovator and the first to offer diploma examination review courses, on-demand tutoring centres. Aaron is the curriculum lead and developer of Bright Minds – a revolutionary mathematics enrichment program that groomed dozens of math competition winners. Aaron’s techniques and methods have helped thousands of students to overcome their fear of math and to thrive in the field.  Renert’s latest project is The Renert School at Royal Vista, a K-12 private school which opened in September 2013. The school offers a new model of education dedicated to nurturing.

We look forward to seeing you at this event focused on best practices in mathematics education. 

Congratulations to member A. Hausermann, who won two free tickets and an invitation to the VIP reception preceding the event. Become a member today – it’s free! 

Minutes from our November meeting are now available.